Mayo Mental Health Association

Mental Health Support in Mayo

Where to go


Your family doctor is usually the first person to approach in relation to mental health concerns. Many people attend their General Practitioner (GP) when they feel they need more support for their mental health. In an emergency situation, and outside of GP hours, it is advised to attend your local accident and emergency department in your local hospital.

24/7 Supports

Emergency Services Ireland
Emergency Services

How to phone 112 or 999. Phone the emergency services by calling 112 or 999. Both numbers are free of charge. If you cannot make a voice call, you can text 112 in an emergency.

Text about it Free text Helpline
Text About IT

Text About It is a free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for mental health and wellbeing.

Childline Ireland Logo

Reach out for any reason, anytime 24 Hours a day! Childline is always here for every child and young person.

Teenline Ireland Logo - 24/7 Online support for teens

Teenline is a free national active listening service for children and young people up to the age of 18 in Ireland.
Contact 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

LGBT+ Helpline Ireland Logo
LGBT+ Helpline

Talk in confidence and without judgement, 7 days a week. You can talk by phone or online through their instant messaging service or go along to a peer support groups.

Pieta House Ireland Logo
Pieta House

Pieta provides free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress, engage in self-harm, or bereaved by suicide, 24/7. Reach out to them today!

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Logo
Rape Crisis 24hour Helpline

Reach us anytime 24 Hours a day! Providing support confidential listening and support services for victims of Sexual Abuse.

The Samaratins

Samaritans offers emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to anyone who is in distress, lonely, struggling to cope or feeling suicidal.

For more Information on Mental Health Supports in Mayo visit WestBeWell

A Philosophy to Live by

“Your mental health belongs to you. Mind it, share it and above all, don’t hide it”

More Helpful links

Mayo Mental Health Helplines

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Mindout Mindspace mayo
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