Mayo Mental Health Association
What's it about
We Provide accommodation to people experiencing mental health difficulties.
Our association provides accommodation for people who have been referred from the HSE Mental Health Services. Currently in partnership with the HSE, St Vincent de Paul and the County Council, the association provides accommodation for more than 40 residents across Mayo.
Mayo MHA run a very successful and modern Social Housing Project. We own and manage Social Housing units made up of 1 & 2 Bed Apartments and housing stock. We actively seek out new property.
Mayo MHA Housing is aligned with the National Strategy for people with Disabilities. We are committed to ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in allocating Units. Our recently established Allocations Committee membership draws from various expertise such as Service User Rep, Social Work, Housing Manager, and a Senior Occupational Therapist. Our overall aim is to ensure the successful allocation of sustainable tenancies in a fair, transparent, and accountable way.
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Our impact
Influencing the way people, organisations, and movements think and act.
Want to make a difference?
Support Us and Help with Peoples Everyday Challenges
A small donation to the Mayo Mental Health Association could make a Huge difference